Stuff I can do

  • Programming
    • C++
    • PHP
    • Python
    • Go
  • Web Devlopment
    • Django
    • Laravel

    To see my project work Click here


    WEB-ANALYSER: A Web-Application reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning framework

    This Project will allow you to run automated collection of some awesome tools for reconnaissance and vulnerability scanning against the target.

    Training and placement management system

    Want to see this project Click here

    It is an web application specially designed for a T & P cell working in colleges to manage the information of differnt companies which are coming for placements along with the students which are placed. This also has a function which helps the T&P co-ordinator to sort the students based on the criteria of the company.

    • Yet there are no Blogs


    Hey, My Name is Hemant Durdhawale. I'm a Full-Stack Developer at Insnapsys. I work on TALL stack. I'm also into cyber security, I do bug bounty hunting and also loves to participate in CTF events.